Registration is now open for the fourth ACEN annual anti-racism conference, the only school-focused anti-racism event designed and delivered by students, teaching staff, and academics.

Date:          Friday 29th November
Location:  North London Collegiate School (Event Access Dalkeith Grove, Stanmore, HA7 4SQ)
Times:       09:30 – 16:00 

This year we will focus on the range of ways discrimination and social exclusion manifest in schools, and explore suggestions for increased student confidence in reporting. To support this, we will examine gaps in reporting mechanisms and explore ways to enhance the identification of these issues by developing systems that many schools already have in place.

Furthermore, recognising that many teachers and students report their schools treat anti-racism as ‘done’, we will deliver a workshop on maintaining anti-racism momentum using an intersectional approach. This will be complemented by a panel of Heads and Governors who will share effective strategies for building sustained support for racial inclusion and securing ongoing leadership commitment.

Event Address

North London Collegiate School

Event Access
Dalkeith Grove


Workshops & Themes 

  • Co-Student Led Workshop: Understanding our experiences and why we find it hard to report
  • Workshop: Understanding how existing safeguarding and behaviour systems can be used to better capture issues of bias and covert racism in schools
  • Workshop: Keeping anti-racism on the agenda using an intersectional framework
  • Panel: Heads and Governors advising on effective ways to make the case for sustained racial inclusion and top-down support
  • Keynote: Dr. Selone Ajewole: Exploring the lived experience of Black young people in a predominantly white secondary school

Our speakers and workshops facilitators include:

  • Dr. Selone Ajewole | Educational and Child Psychologist & Accredited Integrative Psychotherapist
  • Justice Aina | Facilitator, ACEN and PhD researcher at Durham University
  • Dr Enya Doyle | Inclusion Consultant & former Director of Inclusion at Highgate School 
  • Andrew Isama | Master of Economics, Eton College
  • Aisha Sanusi | Director, ACEN, Lead EDI Governor at St Paul’s School, Trustee of Dunraven MAT & Education Advisory Board member at the Black Equity Organisation 
  • Amber Scott | EDI Officer at Norwich School
  • Chanel Noel |  Assistant Head, Community Partnerships Director & Strategic Inclusion Lead at Highgate School
  • Jordan Sonko-Crawford | Vice Principal, Ark Elvin Academy
  • Monia Zahid | Teacher of Economics & Head of Diversity & Inclusion, Haberdashers’ Boys’ School
  • ACEN Young People’s Advisory Group (YPAG) 

As ever, our conference is tailored to EDI leads and those with safeguarding responsibilities, as well as teaching staff with a keen interest and/or EDI responsibilities. 

As before, we will publish a list of schools in attendance on request from our members.

Lunch and refreshments will be provided.

Non-fee-paying schools can register at a discounted rate, please contact amber@aceducationnetwork.com for more information.

Start End Session Title Speakers/Facilitators Location
09.00 09.30 Registration & Refreshments Athenian Café
09.30 09.40 Welcome NLCS welcome Vicky Bingham – Headmistress of North London Collegiate School PAC
09.40 09.50 Open ACEN welcome ACEN Team PAC
09.50 10.30 Keynote Exploring the lived experience of Black young people in a predominantly white secondary school Dr. Selone Ajewole – Educational and Child Psychologist & Accredited Integrative Psychotherapist PAC
10.30 10:35 Address Global Black narratives for the classroom Bettina Ogbomoide & Christivie Manga –
BLAM UK (Black Learning Achievement and Mental Health)
10:35 10:50 Break & Refreshments Athenian Café
10.50 12.15 Workshops Group 1 Understanding how existing safeguarding and behaviour systems can be used to better capture issues of bias and covert racism in schools Chanel Noel – Assistant Head, Community Partnerships Director & Strategic Inclusion Lead at Highgate School
Jordan Sonko Crawford – Facilitator at ACEN & Vice Principal at Ark Elvin Academy
Drummond Room
Group 2 Understanding the student experiences and why they find them hard to report Justice Aina – Facilitator at ACEN, Visting lecturer in international social and public policy & LSE & PhD researcher at Durham University
Aisha Sanusi, Director at ACEN, Trustee of Dunraven MAT & Education Advisory Board member at the Black Equity Organisation & Lead EDI Governor at St Paul’s School
Student Reps, Multi-School
Buss Room
Group 3 Keeping anti racism on the agenda using an intersectional framework Dr Enya Doyle – Inclusion Consultant
Amber Scott – EDI Officer & Head of Pupil Personal Development at Norwich School
Monia Zahid – Teacher of Economics & Head of Diversity & Inclusion at Haberdashers’ Boys’ School
12.15 13.15 Lunch Athenian Café
13.20 14.45 Workshops Group 4 Understanding how existing safeguarding and behaviour systems can be used to better capture issues of bias and covert racism in schools  As above Drummond Room
Group 5 Understanding the student experiences and why they find them hard to report  As above  Buss Room
Group 6 Keeping anti racism on the agenda using an intersectional framework  As above  PAC
14.55 15.45 Panel How to gain leadership support when making the case for racial inclusi Vicky Bingham – Headmistress at North London Collegiate School
Timi Dorgu – Governor at City of London School
Adam Pettitt – Head at Highgate School
Martin Reader – Education Consultant & Former Head of Cranleigh School
Ife Summers – Governor at Woldingham School
15.45 16:15 Open Q&A’s Panel Guests & ACEN Reps PAC