Shaping change for Black teachers in education
ACEN’s BTN is, first and foremost, a friendly space for Black teachers to network, to provide emotional and moral support for one another, and to share resources, teaching materials, job opportunities, and receive advice and counsel from the African and Caribbean Education Network. Our network is open to all teachers of African Caribbean heritage up and down the country, and is fast growing into the largest & most connected network for Black teachers in the UK.
We are a solution-oriented group who remain committed to working with our schools, with our parent networks at ACEN, and with each other to secure better inclusion and belonging for Black teachers.
Working as a Black teacher in many schools in the United Kingdom can be a rewarding experience and the opportunity to make a huge difference in our schools and communities.
We also know that by championing Black teachers we champion anti-racism in schools because teachers are often at the frontline of anti-racism work. Similarly, we recognise that increasing representation of Black role models in education plays a part in this work.
However, we also know that for a Black teacher, the job can feel isolating and brings with it unique challenges, as well as opportunities. Many in our network recognise a shared experience of racism that affects our sense of belonging, inclusion, and wellbeing. Many of us also recognise that in addition to the normal challenges and demands of any professional teacher, Black teachers often bear an invisible burden in terms of having to navigate racism or help their students navigate racism, or in supporting their schools’ anti-racist work.
The network exists to remind teachers that they have friends and support and partners both inside and outside their schools.
We organise informal meet-ups on at least a termly basis to network, socialise, and share. We remain in touch with each other through social media platforms.
The BTN is also piloting a new Black Teachers Leadership Programme to address the lack of black representation at Senior Leadership in the Independent Sector.
We are also piloting an NQT mentorship Scheme to secure better support and inclusion of newly qualified black teachers.
Members get discounted access to the ACEN’s annual Antiracism Conference and priority booking for ACEN’s sponsored Black Teachers’ Networking dinner.
The Black Teachers’ Survey can help ACEN secure better outcomes for Black students and teachers. Please take 10 mins to COMPLETE THE SURVEY.