Ann Marie Christian
Ann Marie is a safeguarding tand a qualified social worker. She has worked for various local authorities on the front line, in management, as a local Safeguarding Children Board trainer, a LADO, a Safeguarding advisor to schools, a school improvement advisor, as a Designated Safeguarding Lead trainer, and Designated Safeguarding Lead coordinator.
She is well known amongst her peers and is very passionate about keeping children safe and sharing her knowledge about child abuse and violence against women and children.
In 2003 she managed a Child Protection Team for a Local Authority and supported 75 local schools with child protection advice, training and consultancy. In 2010, she became an independent social worker and provided associate consultancy and training to various organisations including the NSPCC, Local Authorities, the ISI, Early Years Teams, Youth Justice Teams, The Boarding School Association, The Key for Leaders, Optimus Education, The Council of International Schools, AEGIS, IAPS, Charities, Faith organisations, The Premier League, Multi-Academy Trusts and more. She writes articles and has contributed to Head Teachers Update, SEN Magazine, and Nursery World. She has also written courses for Optimus, Educare, and the Key for Leaders.
Ann Marie raises the awareness of child abuse and promotes child protection internationally and over the last few years delivers training and keynotes in Dubai, Singapore, Monaco, Jamaica, Japan and Armenia.
She was’ Highly Commended’ and received an award at the Win Trade Awards 2019 for ‘Woman in the Public Sector’ and was nominated in 2018 & 2019 for the NSPCC Child Protection Trainer of the Year.