Equality & Equity Charter
We have created the ACEN anti-racism charter in line with the following organisational aims:
– For our children to be engaged and educated in actively anti-racist environments
– To consult educational institutions and provide initiatives that help to guide the required shift from non-racist to anti-racist – with a specific anti-black racism remit
– Equity – For our children to have access to and occupy positions of influence and leadership in a variety of roles across all industries.
To aid in the implementation of anti-racist planning, accountability, and long-term strategy, the ACEN charter is a set of actions schools should demonstrably be working towards.
The charter areas have been carefully thought out to enable this, and we have summarised a set of clear, achievable, and measurable steps ensuring the most successful outcomes.
The charter is split into three distinct areas
Leadership & Processes & Policy
(Lead by ACEN)
Curriculum & Pedagogy
(Lead by The Black Curriculum)
Community & Belonging
(Lead by ACEN)
Each area includes specific outcomes which will provide evidence that this work is being undertaken and/or has been achieved.
Our anti-racist kitemark is supported and sought by our UK-wide network of parents, teachers, and students.
Once earned, schools may add the kitemark to their own marketing material and website. ACEN and The Black Curriculum will additionally sign-post these schools on our own websites:
Upon completion of one area, schools will be awarded the Bronze kitemark
Upon completion of two areas, schools will be awarded the Silver kitemark
Upon completion of two areas, schools will be awarded the Gold kitemark